- Founded in Washington, DC in 1972 to research and address needs of Cuban Americans as they transitioned into American society.
- Originally named Cuban National Planning Council, it was governed by local boards from FL, NJ, NY, CA, IL, and Washington, DC.
- Conducted the first research project on Cubans in the U.S. in 1973-74 and a research project in NJ in 1977 funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the Florida Department of Human Services.
- Conducted two research projects on Cuban-Americans in the U.S., and on the Mariel entrant population.
- Expanded its mission to provide direct human services to all Hispanics and others in need.
- Adopted the new name, Cuban American National Council, and changed its governing structure from local boards to a national Board of Directors.
- Moved its principal office from DC to Miami and registered the Council in the States of Florida and Michigan.
- Founded CODEC, a community development corporation in Dade County.
- Administered grants from the U.S. Department of Justice, South Florida Employment and Training Consortium, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and Miami Dade County Public Schools.
- Founded and managed alternative schools.
- Conducted its first national policy conference and later institutionalized national conferences in Miami, Orlando, FL, New York and Washington, DC.
- Expanded its national presence by co-founding Hispanic coalitions, establishing membership in national Boards of Directors and advisory boards, and solidifying institutional links with non-Hispanic and non-minority organizations.
- Formed a Corporate Board of Advisors comprised of major U.S. corporations to advise and support CNC’s programmatic initiatives and media opportunities in Miami-Dade County.
- Began creating and implementing 3-5 years strategic plans.
- Adopted the CNC acronym and the tag line “Nurturing His panic Communities, as a new DBA market strategy.
- Opened offices in Orlando, New Jersey, and Washington, DC.
- Diversified revenue streams. Received a multiyear, multimillion dollar grant from ETA for training and employment of youth.
- Strengthened operations and consolidated offices and programs in response to changing environments.
- Prepared staff and Board for the CEO succession
- Institutionalized new events such as Hispanic Leadership Celebration in Washington, DC; CNC Health, Safety, and Wellness Fair; and the Hispanic Leadership Training Program.
- Became member of National Corporate Advisory Councils of Fortune 500 companies.
- Founded and administered a Child Development Center and pre-kinder program for infants and toddlers of teen mothers and low-income neighborhood families.
- Joined the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, a national coalition comprised of over 30 of the leading Hispanic organizations in the country.
- Published the first Atlas of Puerto Rico and a book on Cuban Americans authored by CNC
- President.
- Founded and administered a financial education/literacy program to help families avoid foreclosure and support new home buyers, and others.
- Prepared in tandem with the Board of Directors the selection of a new President.
- Successfully transitioned a new CEO with Board Members, funding sources, staff and constituents.
- Solidified and continued to strengthen fiscal and administrative functions adapting to a changing environment and new organizational structure
- Renewed, updated, expanded and implemented new accounting procedures, record keeping and software platforms
- Opened CNC’s first Charter School ( K-5) with a service learning focus in Miami Dade County
- Implemented a before and after school program for students attending our Charter School and neighborhood children
- Expanded Financial Education Program and funding streams in both Miami and New Jersey
- Implemented a new program for expansion of services to elderly population “Diabetes Management”
- Conducted and published the first national research projects on Cubans in the U.S., published dozens of policy issue papers on U.S. Hispanics, over fifty newspaper articles, hundreds of media interviews, and two books, one on Puerto Rico, and the other on Cuban- Americans.
- Provided employment and training services to over 45,000 new Americans and displaced workers.
- Founded a Community Development Corporation that has built over two thousand housing units for senior citizens, unwed mothers, and working families.
- Currently operates and continually enhances the ALPHA YOUTH PROGRAM, which provides candidates, both in and out of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, with career assessment and counseling, case management, employment opportunities and supportive services. The program has graduated over 6,500 students since 2004.
- As a component of the ALPHA program, CNC established and currently runs a Youth Entrepreneurship Program for At-Risk-Youth. This is a school year, entrepreneurial training program, which allows participants to navigate the entire entrepreneurial experience.
- Trained over 500 community leaders in leadership skills.
- Pioneered alternative education focused on Hispanics in Miami-Dade County by founding and operating alternative/charter schools. CNC’s new ALPHA CHARTER OF EXCELLENCE, ACE, opened in 2012.
- Conducted 16 national conferences with thousands of participants.
- Provided interned refugee services at U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo, Cuba to over 30,000 Cubans and 15,000 Haitians seeking a new life in the U.S.
- Built bridges among America’s diverse communities through alliances, coalitions, and partnerships with majority and minority organizations.
- Founded and operated a Child Development Center and pre-kinder program for the babies and toddlers of teen mothers and neighborhood families. The program has provided services to over 540 children and graduated approximately 220 students from its Voluntary Kindergarten Program.
- Trained board members in board dynamics and rules.
- Graduated over 6,000 individuals in Financial Literacy
- Trained and counseled over 4,550 persons in predatory lending and foreclosure prevention
- In the past two years, provided small group classes to more than 1,500 elderly persons on “How to Prevent the Risk of Falls” and “Chronic Disease Self-Management”.