  • Refugee Employment & Training Program

CNC’s employment program provides employment services to Refugees, Asylees and Parole Entrants that have been in the U.S. for no more than 5 years. The program works in cooperation with dozens of businesses in order to meet their workforce demands and help new Americans to enter the workforce and become self-reliant.

*CNC programa de refugiado: Asistencia para empleo, consejeria y aculturacion. 

  • The Hispanic Leadership Training Program (HLTP)

The Hispanic Leadership Training Program (HLTP) offers a yearly training session in leadership skills and institutional networking to present and future leaders in Miami-Dade County. 

HLTP aims at increasing the participation of Hispanics on boards, commissions and committees through seminars led by experts who are themselves business, government and non-profit leaders. 

By 2009, HLTP had graduated over 400 Hispanic leaders from both the public and private sectors.

*El Programa de Formación de Líderes Hispanos ( PLPA ): ofrece una sesión de entrenamiento anual en las habilidades de liderazgo y trabajo en red institucional para presentar y fortalizar líderes en Miami-Dade.

  • Leadership Development Program (LDP)

The Leadership Development Program aims to provide comprehensive leadership skills to college students and young adults with a demonstrated interest in community involvement. The LDP consists of workshops composed of government officials, media specialists, fundraising executives and local leaders.

*El Programa de Desarrollo de Liderazgo tiene como objetivo proporcionar capacidades integrales de liderazgo para estudiantes universitarios y jóvenes adultos con un interés demostrado en la participación de la comunidad . El PLD consiste en talleres integrados por funcionarios gubernamentales, especialistas en medios, ejecutivos y líderes locales de recaudación de fondos .


  • Financial Education and Housing Counseling Programs

This program provides low and moderate income individuals with basic financial education, loss mitigation counseling, first time – homebuyer education and mortgage default assistance to homeowners at risk of losing their homes.

All Economic Independence clients are assisted to establish good credit, savings and other wealth building strategies.

CNC offers Economic Independence services free of charge. The program is available to the public, community based organizations, faith based organizations and businesses.

*Este programa ofrece a las personas de bajos y moderados ingresos con la educación básica financiera , asesoramiento mitigación de pérdidas , por primera vez – la educación para compradores de vivienda y asistencia defecto de la hipoteca a los propietarios de viviendas en riesgo de perder sus hogares. CNC dispone estos servicios de la independencia economica de forma gratuita. El programa esta disponible para las organizaciones basadas en la comunidad, las organizaciones y empresas.


  • The CNC Borrower Help Center – sponsored by Freddie Mac 

CNC has teamed up with Freddie Mac to open the Freddie Mac Borrower Help Center. We provide assistance to struggling homeowners with Freddie Mac-owned mortgages to help keep them in their homes, whenever possible.  

If you are behind on your monthly bills, including your mortgage, our CNC Freddie Mac Borrower Help Center offers free, confidential financial counseling assistance through HUD-approved counselors, either in person or on the telephone.

During these free sessions, your counselor will:

•Review your current income, living expenses, savings, and debts

•Help you understand your options and possible solutions to your financial challenges

•Assess your options for avoiding foreclosure, which could include a loan modification available under the federal Making Home Affordable program or another borrower assistance program

Does Freddie Mac own your mortgage?  Click here to find out.

-Call our Borrower Help Center today to set up a free appointment with a HUD-approved counselor. There is no obligation for you to take any action after your session. Contact us at:

CNC’s Borrower Help Center
1223 SW 4th Street
Miami, FL. 33135
(305) 642-3490 or (888) 669 – 0379
Monday thru Friday 10AM to 8PM – Saturday 10AM to 2PM

*CNC se ha asociado con Freddie Mac para abrir el Centro de ayuda Mac Prestatario Freddie. Proporcionamos asistencia a los propietarios de viviendas con hipotecas de propiedad de Freddie Mac para ayudar a mantenerlos en sus hogares, siempre que sea posible. Si usted está atrasado en sus facturas mensuales, incluyendo su hipoteca, nuestra Freddie Mac Prestatario CNC Centro de ayuda ofrece asistencia asesoría financiera gratuita y confidencial a través de consejeros aprobados por HUD, ya sea en persona o por teléfono.

Durante estas sesiones gratuitas, su consejero: • Revisar sus ingresos actuales, que viven gastos, ahorros y deudas

• Ayuda a entender sus opciones y posibles soluciones a sus problemas financieros

• Evaluar las opciones para evitar la ejecución, que podría incluir una modificación de préstamo disponibles bajo el programa federal Making Home Affordable u otro programa de asistencia prestatario.

-Llame A nuestro Centro de asistencia Prestatario hoy para hacer una cita gratuita con un asesor aprobado por HUD. No hay obligación para que usted tome ninguna acción después de su sesión. Contactanos! 

-Get Prepared

Being prepared will help your counselor better understand your financial position so he or she can assess possible options for you.  When you meet with your counselor, please bring the following documents with you:

•Most recent pay stubs and most recent tax return

•Most recent bank statements

•Credit card bills

•Your monthly mortgage statement

•Any utility bills and car payments

•You should also fill out a Uniform Borrower Assistance Form, available in English or Spanish.  This form will help you organize your financial information.  Your counselor can also help you fill out this form:



Your counselor will work with you and your Servicer (the organization to which you send your mortgage payments) to determine your options.

Freddie Mac Resources
Visit the Freddie Mac Avoiding Foreclosure Resource Center on FreddieMac.com to find useful tips, tools, and educational resources, including information on what to expect when working with your Servicer. Access this Web page here:
Freddie Mac Borrower Help Centers are located in several cities throughout the United States. A full list can be found at



Loan Modification Scam Alert Campaign  

For loan modification guidance or to report a scam, call:1(888)-995-4673



Scams aren’t always easy to spot – but it helps if you know the warning signs to look for. Here are six red flags to indicate that you may be dealing with a loan modification scammer:

1) A company/person asks for a fee in advance to work with your lender to modify, refinance or reinstate your mortgage. They may pocket your money and do little or nothing to help you save your home from foreclosure.

2) A company/person guarantees they can stop a foreclosure or get your loan modified. Nobody can make this guarantee to stop foreclosure or modify your loan. Legitimate, trustworthy HUD-approved counseling agencies will only promise they will try their very best to help you.

3) A company/person advises you to stop paying your mortgage company and pay them instead. Despite what a scammer will tell you, you should never send a mortgage payment to anyone other than your mortgage lender. The minute you have trouble making your monthly payment, contact your mortgage lender.

4) A company pressures you to sign over the deed to your home or sign any paperwork that you haven’t had a chance to read, and you don’t fully understand. A legitimate housing counselor would never pressure you to sign a document before you had a chance to read and understand it.

5) A company claims to offer “government-approved” or “official government” loan modifications. They may be scam artists posing as legitimate organizations approved by, or affiliated with, the government. Contact your mortgage lender first. Your lender can tell you whether you qualify for any government programs to prevent foreclosure. And, remember, you do not have to pay to benefit from government-backed loan modification programs.

6) A company/person you don’t know asks you to release personal financial information online or over the phone. You should only give this type of information to companies that you know and trust, like your mortgage lender or a HUD-approved counseling agency.